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UK » Chesterfield » 3 Counties Shotokan Karate Club - Chesterfield -

3 Counties Shotokan Karate Club - Chesterfield - trains in Traditional Shotokan Karate at five locations, Chesterfield, Dronfield, Mansfield, Staveley and Sutton In Ashfield. Full locations and training times are listed on our home page.

Children of 5 and over are welcome to join the club, we don't set any upper age limitation.

Why not come and try Karate your first lesson is free and providing you attend the next 3 consecutive sessions they are free too. There are no contracts and no obligations just straight forward "pay as you go".

Check out our website for details

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3 Counties Shotokan Karate Club - Chesterfield - location Map
Brookfield Community School
Chatsworth Rd,
Chesterfield, S40 3NS
United Kingdom
Phone: 07989449817

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at 3 Counties Shotokan Karate Club - Chesterfield -

  • Karate

Programs & Class Schedule

The Chesterfield club has been running for 10 years now, located at Brookfield Community School, with students now ranging all the way from beginners to 2nd Dan Black Belts.

Location: Brookfield Community School, Chatsworth Rd, Chesterfield, S40 3NS


Saturday 12:30 to 1:30 Beginner to Green Belt
Saturday 1:30 to 2:30 Intermediate
Saturday 2:30 to 3:30 1st Kyu and Above
Thursday 7:00 to 8:00 Brown belts and above
Thursday 8:00 to 9:30 Black Belts

There are no contracts and no obligations just straight forward "pay as you go".
Check out our website for details

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