If you are looking for real self-defence, technically pure martial arts techniques from multiple styles, grading to all levels in different arts, the opportunity for safe but real combat sparring, a relaxed but disciplined environment, with a big emphasis on health and fitness, look no further.
Students can grade as high as 3rd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo, Kickboxing or Mixed arts. This core training brings the power of Thai Boxing, the grace and fluid kicking of Korean Taekwondo, the devastatingly effective art of western boxing , the complex and fascinating weaponary and open-hand defence of Phillipino Kali, the stunning efficiency of Bruce Lee's JKD, and the vastly numerous locks , holds and ground-fighting techniques of Jiu Jitsu (Japanese and Brazilian)....and much more besides! Flexibility and fitness feature strongly.
See details about us here: http://bathmartialarts.co.uk/