Martial arts taught by Budo Society Musashi are Aikido,
Aiki Jujitsu, Ju Jitsu, Kyusho Jitsu, Bukido (weapons) and
Dim Mak.
Our dojo is in Plymouth.
First started in Holland in 1990, in 2004 Budo Society Musashi started a dojo in HMS Collingwood, Fareham. In 2008 a dojo was opened in Plymouth. John also teaches martial arts to Royal Navy personel at HMS Raleigh, HMS Drake and the Royal Navy College in Dartmouth.
Chief Instructor (Dojo Cho) is John Piket, an 8th degree Black Belt in Aiki Jujitsu, an 8th Degree black belt in Ju Jitsu, 5th degree Black Belt in Aikido and Master Instructor in Kyusho Jitsu and Dim Mak.
Besides in Plymouth, we have International Kyusho Jitsu centres in Holland and Germany where we run our courses.