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UK » York » Bujinkan York Dojo

Bujinkan York Dojo

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is an all encompassing martial art covering all aspects of unarmed self defence and armed combat this inculdes a wide range of Japanese weaponry (these principals also apply to todays modern weapons) and strategy.

All training is carried out in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, and with safety constantly in mind.

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Bujinkan York Dojo location Map
Bentley Park Osbaldwick Link Rd
Unit 3
York, YO10 3JA
United Kingdom
Phone: 07774192604

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Bujinkan York Dojo:

  • Ninjutsu/Ninpo

Programs & Class Schedule

Classes are Mondays 7-8.30pm
York Elite
Unit 3 Bentley Park
Osbaldwick Link Rd
YO10 3JA
Minimum age 15

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