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UK » Spennymoor » Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate

Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate

Chief instructor Adam Walker (3rd Dan) began Kyokyushin karate whilst living in Japan in 1993. He began this extreme form of karate as a white belt and made his way up through the ranks, totally immersing himself in the Martial Way and Japanese culture. He took his black belt grading in Kobe and became an instructor at Nishinomiya Dojo soon after where he taught for several years under the guidance of two times World Champion Makoto Nakamura. In total Adam spent six years living in Japan, eventually returning to the UK in 1999. He opened the Chikara Dojo in January 2000. This club has produced British and European Champions. It is the only one of its kind in the North East of England.

Rating & Reviews


Recommended by 11 of 18 users
Instruction Quality: Very Good
Other Aspects: Good

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Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate location Map
Unit 2
Low Grange Rd
Spennymoor, DL16 6DT
United Kingdom
Phone: 07713 411 198

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate:

  • Kick Boxing
  • Kyokushin Karate

Programs & Class Schedule

We train 3 times per week.
Monday; kids 18.00 - 19.00 Adults 19.15 - 20.45
Wednesday as above.
Friday; kids 17.00 - 18.00

Your first lesson is free!
Once you have had your first lesson we allow you four lessons decide if you would like to join this unique club.

At the moment we have students who only train once per week for one reason or another and this is absolutely fine. Those who do train only once per week however should remember the curriculum requires that in the early stages 48 hours of Dojo training is needed between gradings and twice that amount for higher grades.

I am sure that you will agree that in order to become good at anything requires a certain level of dedication and it is hoped that by offering flexible payment methods we can help our students develop their skills in a way that best suits them.

The payment methods on offer at our club are as follows;
Seniors are charged at £35 and children up to 18yrs £25. This will be done in the form of a standing order that will be debited from a bank account once per month at a date suitable for you. These payments will allow students to train as often as they want (up to 4 times per week for juniors and 3 for adults, should they wish).

Students who do not wish to take advantage of this method of payment and only wish to train as and when they can will be charged at £6.00p (adult) and £5.00p (junior) per lesson. Usual fees for use of equipment only of £2 for seniors and £1 for juniors will apply to individuals training every Friday, who do not take advantage of the payment plan.

A one off joining fee to cover administration is charged at £10 for juniors and £20 for seniors.

Standing order mandates for the monthly payments are provided and processed by the club so there is no need for you to contact your bank. It will all be done for you. There is no contract to sign and you will not be tied into any terms conditions.

You will also be expected to join our karate organisation. For the yearly fee you will have insurance cover and will receive a membership card and passport in which to keep a record of your achievements. Junior application is £40 and yearly renewal is £20, Senior application is £50 and yearly renewal is £30.

We also recommend that you purchase a training suit, shin and instep pads and leather bag gloves to minimise injuries that may occur. They are available at reception.

Kyokushin Karate for Children and Young People

The increasing threats posed to children and young people in today's society cause us all great concern and it seems hardly a day goes by without another horrific story exposed in the media. Violence has become part of everyday life with the victims too often being innocent children. Unfortunately our society has helped to grown some disruptive, undisciplined youngsters who cause misery to young and old alike.

At the Chikara Dojo we aim to teach our students the moral values too often missing in today's society. We place great emphasis on respect for parents, family and friends, teachers, the law, senior citizens, peoples' property and perhaps most importantly for themselves.

We teach the threats caused by modern social issues such as substance abuse, bullying, strangers, unsafe play areas etc. We aim to make our students aware of the dangers that exist today and give them confidence to try and deal with situations if they can not be avoided. Perhaps most importantly, the students are taught that fighting is only ever the last resort and that it is better to avoid danger in the first place. Our classes are composed of different sections, each with their own purpose;

Exercises including warm ups and stretching are performed to improve fitness and maintain flexibility as well as to prepare the body for the training to follow.
Fundamental techniques are taught in the form of blocks, punches, kicks and strikes, teaching the students how to use their bodies, hands, feet and elbows as natural weapons. Posture and balance are taught along with break falls, throws and restraint locks. Self-defence techniques are explained and practised and sparring is performed with the emphasis placed on working with a partner so that both students can progress.

Learning many kata (prearranged forms of attacks and defences) requires dedication and discipline, each kata being more complex as progression is made.

The students are encouraged by regular gradings where they are checked on physical performance, etiquette and manners, kihon (basic techniques) kata and kumite (sparring). They are awarded a succession of belts from orange up to black, which indicate their progress.

We offer disciplined training sessions, suitable for students of all ages where they will not only learn but also have fun.

We aim to develop good characters in our students, the result of which will show in their attitude at home and in school. Bullying in any form is not tolerated and any student found to be bullying will be severely dealt with. The etiquette and code of conduct required in classes is of a very high standard and the students quickly learn self-discipline. This can be seen in the excellent manners of even our youngest students.

Our aim is to provide a safe, disciplined, fun way of learning Kyokushin Karate as a true Martial Art to help our students grow into mature, well mannered individuals with the hope that we can help build a better community.

For further details contact Chief Instructor Adam Walker on 07713 411 198 or email

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