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Reviews of Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate

This page shows Reviews & Testimonials of Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate in Spennymoor, UK. 18 Reviewer rated Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate as Good. Read detailed reviews below.

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Average Rating: Good (18 Reviews)

Quality of Instruction:
Very Good
Other aspects:

11 out of 18 Reviewer recommended Chikara Dojo of Kyokushin Karate.

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

Best Martial Arts School

Aug 29 2019 by Senpai (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have been reading some of the comments below and they are pathetic. Do you want to know how good the club is? get off your computer / phone, walk into the place and give it a go. This place will change your life and you will get an ACTUAL opinion on what the teaching, club and people are like! Stop listening to rubbish and find out for your self!

First lesson is free, what do you have to loose?

(2 of 2 People found this review helpful)

A fun place to be with exciting opportunities!

Jun 22 2018 by Billy (Active Student with 6 Months - 1 Year Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Brilliant club, it’s the one thing I look forward to every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday! Everyone is willing to help and push everyone along! Never been so welcomes in my life!

Thankyou everyone! And a huge thankyou to the instructors including Sensei Adam :) Osu!

(4 of 12 People found this review helpful)

Adam Walker is a rubbish instructor

May 29 2018 by Mo Farah (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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A racist instructor who teaches kids to hate everyone who isn't white. Google the idiot and see for yourselves. Don't let this cretin brainwash your children.

(3 of 4 People found this review helpful)

Life saving, life changing.

Apr 13 2017 by K (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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It amuses me that people write reviews of our dojo when they have never stepped foot inside!

Let me take you back nearly 3 years. My then 10 year old son was getting bullied. The last straw was when he felt the only way out was to throw himself in front of a car. Thankfully he didn't, but wow, how low must he have felt? In desperation I called Adam Walker. I did my research on both him and his club. The club were amazing. They took my son and made him apart of their family. He still got bullied but he was able to deal with it differently. Sensei Adam taught him how to dilute the bullies words and change them into positives. He taught him how to ignore them and helped him become emotionally and psychologically stronger. He changed his outlook and I have my happy, carefree boy back. Say what you will, but he saved my boy.

2 years ago, I started working there. I also train there and I am a different person. Our club has been established for many years now. Kyokushin karate is an addiction. The Chikara Dojo is an addiction. So before you judge us based on what you think you know, come and see for yourself. I could talk about some of the things we are taught, Discipline, motivation, acceptance, self esteem, self love, self worth etc but it's already been covered.

As a member of the public I would highly recommend it. As a staff member I give you my word that you will be welcomed with open arms, regardless of who you are. As a student I will promise to make you feel at home and you'll be apart of our family but, as a mother, I'll say this, any place that supports a child going through bullying should be praised and encouraged.

We are Kyokushin. We are a family. We will never give up. Osu!!

Also, your first lesson is free so you have nothing to lose!

(5 of 6 People found this review helpful)

Great start in life for any young person

Mar 31 2017 by Kenzie (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I started training at Adam Walker’s dojo as a child and have recently returned to the club after having children of my own. Under Adam’s guidance, I achieved a black belt at age fifteen.

Every part of my life has benefitted from my involvement with this group. Karate gave me the discipline and the confidence to succeed in my own education, in my social interactions and in my work. The family environment at the club shaped my positive world view through the willingness of each member to help and support each other.

From an early age, Adam’s adherence to the principles of Kyokushin instilled in me a sense of tolerance and respect for others. I see that tradition continued as he teaches the next generations of youngsters. I am honoured to be part of that culture and believe strongly that everybody can develop positively as a human being by involved with the Chikara Dojo.

Too many people in modern-day life have grown disconnected from each other. Insularity and egotism have become commonplace. These lead to a fear of the unknown and divisions within society. Learning karate from Adam Walker has opened-up for me an international world of sport and I now have friends all around the globe. Adam has taught me to meet people on an equal footing, regardless of their social class, economic background, culture, race, religion, gender or sexuality. Everybody is welcome within Kyokushin. Everybody is welcome at the Chikara Dojo. Everybody receives the very best training that Adam and the other instructors can offer.

I want to give my girls the fullest advantages in life. That is why I work hard and why I care so deeply for their development, both academically and personally. For that reason, when my two girls are older, they will also be enrolled at the Adam Walker’s dojo. I would encourage anybody in the area, who cares about their child, to do the same.

(3 of 4 People found this review helpful)

Best club in county durham

Mar 31 2017 by Leigh c (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I started out real shy and disappointed in my capabilities being a bigger lady, worrying that I might not be able to do it. But they all have cheered me on and been there when I’m down on myself to pick me up and I truly look forward to going there and giving my best until I make it right smile emoticon First class training and always a friend in sight. The staff and trainees push my skills to the limit, pick me up when I’m down and have become a second family to me and my daughter. I was real proud to watch kyokushin at a recent competition. Our competitors had lots of skill and respect on the mats. It’s wonderful to be trained by a family of professionals, that make it all seem so easy and encourage dedication and respect. Thank you all at chikara dojo you are a blessing in my life.

(3 of 4 People found this review helpful)

Martial Arts in our community

Mar 30 2017 by Ken Lowes (Parent of a Student with 5 - 10 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Let me tell you a story folks, just indulge me for a while.

Back in 2006 my son, then aged 4 kept asking can we have a look at that club sometime dad?

So, we knocked on the door shortly after, to be made most welcome by the then club secretary Amanda.

After a quick tour, a little chat and details swapped we took him back shortly after for his first lesson.

Now moving on ten years, my son is now and exceptional 14 year old lad, that's fitter and so much stronger than most, to the position that he's recently passed a national Grading event and gained his brown belt. The hard work and effort required is simply staggering.

So my message to the haters of our Sensai, before you bad mouth our club and it's efforts with your derogatory rhetoric why not actually bother to come along to the club and see for yourself.

To say Sensai Adam is a racist is laughable especially considering that he is fluent in Japanese, lived in the country for six years and is a highly regarded member of the world wide Kyokushin family. The club in recent years has also had numerous members that hailed from distant shores and currently two students from different parts of the world.

If you want to. makr an informed decision about being a member or just a visitor to the club, make the decision yourself and not listen to the rhetoric that others quote, quote simply because they don't agree with Sensai Adams views.

These views have never been discussed within the club ever.

Both my children train at the club, as do I.

The club is held in the highest regard nationally and internationally, simply because we work and train hard, fight hard and win medals.

My children have won medals in national competitions numerous times, so don't knock the club without doing the sensible approach and seeing for yourself.

What can possibly be wrong when a club trains hard, wins medals, is part of a worldwide family, keeps kids off the streets and improves them physically and mentally.

(9 of 10 People found this review helpful)

Fantastic Club! Id be lost without it.

Mar 30 2017 by C (Active Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have been coming to this club for 16 years (I'm now 21) never once have I witnessed anything to do with what has been claimed below (I think I'd know if I seen Adolf walk through the door Ha!) wonderful place with fantastic people, everyone who comes gives their 100% and more! We're one big family! Don't believe me? Then pop down and see! Your first lesson is free ;)


(4 of 5 People found this review helpful)

Fantastic karate club

Mar 30 2017 by Mickyalice (Active Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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I have been attending this club for sometime now and can't believe some of the other reviews on here they obviously have never stepped one foot in our dojo, all of our intructors do an amazing job . Regarding the comments about Adam Walker talking about politics in the club i can assure you not once have i heard him even mention politics in there . We welcome you at anytime to come and visit our club and see our fantastic instuctors in action rather than listening to other peoples gossip .

(6 of 7 People found this review helpful)

One of the best karate clubs in the north

Mar 30 2017 by Rocky (Parent of a Student with 3 - 5 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:
Very Good

My son has been a member for 5 years and is very good at what he does and has trophies from national competitions to prove it thanks to the excellent teaching from the instructors and as for the opinions of none members or people who have never Been to the club I can tell you no politics gets mentioned anywhere in the club at anytime as I stay to watch my son every lesson it's that good of club I have recently joined the adults class so if you have any doubts please come to any come and see for yourself you wont be dissapointed !

(5 of 6 People found this review helpful)

Chikara Dojo Experience

Mar 30 2017 by Sparkle (Parent of a Student with 10+ Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Both my son of 5 and daughter of 9 are students at the famous Chikara Dojo and have been for some years. The club is like one big happy family that I'm proud my kids are a part of. Reading some of the obnoxious and totally unfounded reviews it seems obvious to me as a parent that someone is pursuing a vexatious vendetta against founder member and Chief Instructor Adam Walker. Ignore it and judge the club on its phenomenal national and international achievements. Keep it up. Osu!

(6 of 7 People found this review helpful)

Very helpful, patient, knowledgeable and at all times respectful

Mar 10 2017 by Alan J (Former Student with 1 - 3 Years Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Unlike Mussolinni, Adolf and N Mandela who were just 3 of the 0 star reviewers of this Karate Club (one of which can't even spell his own name, only one N in your sir name Benito!), I actually have had personal experience of the Chikara Dojo.

Myself and 2 eldest daughters were members for 2 years and my youngest daughter will be joining very shortly. I always found the instructors to be very helpful, patient, knowledgeable and at all times respectful.

Please ignore all previous reviews and take it from someone who has actually been there, this is a great club, a fantastic set of people and the place to go if your interested in learning a martial art.

(4 of 21 People found this review helpful)

Head coach has lifetime teaching ban

Jan 31 2017 by MrSmitington (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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The head coach has a lifetime teaching ban for chasing schoolboys in his car, verbally abusing them, and slashing their bike tyres. Why would you want such a man teaching your children? He is using a loophole to get around his teaching ban. Very concerning.

(2 of 19 People found this review helpful)

Training the new Hitler Youth

Jan 31 2017 by Mussolinni (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Head coach is the leader of the BNP, I'm sure he thinks that he is training a new army but you shouldn't expose children to his views. In fact, he's banned from teaching so do not take your kids to this school.

(4 of 19 People found this review helpful)

Taught by a NEO NAZI

Jan 31 2017 by Brünnhilde (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Walker is head of the racist BNP and has a lifetime ban from teaching children. He is using a loophole in the law to continue running this club. He claims not to discriminate. But would you want your children taught by someone who boasts of his racism and hate for others ?

https://www. theguardian. com/politics/2017/jan/31/bnp-leader-coaching-children-despite-lifetime-teaching-ban?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

(4 of 20 People found this review helpful)

A disgrace to expose children to Adam Walker!

Jan 31 2017 by N Mandela (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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Walker is head of the racist BNP and has a lifetime ban from teaching children. He is using a loophole in the law to continue running this club. He claims not to discriminate. But would you want your children taught by someone who boasts of his racism and hate for others ?

(5 of 21 People found this review helpful)

Read this - instructor is banned from teaching kids for life

Jan 31 2017 by Adolf (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
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https://www. theguardian. com/politics/2017/jan/31/bnp-leader-coaching-children-despite-lifetime-teaching-ban

worth a read before you send your kids here folks

(7 of 23 People found this review helpful)

Instructor is a banned Neo Nazi.

Jan 31 2017 by Jim Davies (Familiar with the School , No Personal Experience at this school)

Quality of Instruction:
Other aspects:

Walker is head of the racist BNP and has a lifetime ban from teaching children. He is using a loophole in the law to continue running this club. He claims not to discriminate. But would you want your children taught by someone who boasts of his racism and hate for others ?

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