G.A. Karate is located across 2 Dojo's - Kelty and Lochgelly. Our head instructor is Sensei Gary Adams 5th Dan IOGKF.
Gary is a fifth Dan Black Belt in Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate affiliated with the I.O.G.K.F. He is the principal instructor in Kelty and Lochgelly dojo’s and is a Scottish Goju-Ryu Karate Association (SGKA) Kambukai (management committee) member.
Gary passed his fifth Dan black belt in Okinawa in 2016, becoming the youngest 5th dan in the world within the I.O.G.K.F. He has been training for 31 years and teaching for 21 years - teaching around the world in France, Austria, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Australia, and throughout the UK and alongside the World Chief Instructor.
Gary is a well-accomplished tournament fighter and has also fought all over the world, winning the national SKGA tournament for 5 consecutive years, winning the Australian all styles tournament, Achieving Silver at the European championships and even placing 5th in the world.