Master Clive Harrison 8th Dan is one of the most experienced Professional Instructors in the country, with over 41 years experience in martial arts.
He has helped over 400 students to achieve their Black Belt and above. Together with his wife Rachael, herself a 3rd Degree Black belt and World Champion, they are dedicated to helping students achieve their personal goals and fulfil their ambitions within Tae Kwon Do, whether it is to train to Black Belt or above, be successful at competition, become an Instructor or to improve themselves as a person by developing a strong character and positive attitude while increasing their confidence, self discipline,flexibility and stamina.
Most people can benefit from training in Tae Kwon Do. There are many reasonswhy some one would want to take up a martial art, to increase their confidence, learn self defence, lose weight, get fitter, improve their self discipline, to test themselves in competition, etc. The reason is personal to the individual, but whatever the reason we guarantee that with our knowledge and your commitment to training we will help you achieve your goals.