We are the official UK's Matayoshi Kobudo Kodokan International website (MKKI-UK). Our affiliation is to the Matayoshi Kodokan dojo in Okinawa, Japan via the western Honbu Dojo the MKKI in USA, headed by Sensei Franco Sanguinetti (7th Dan). The weapons studied are: Bo, Tunkua, Nunchaku, Nunti Bo, Ueku, Kama, Surichin, Timbe, Kuwa, Sansetsu Kon and Manji Sai.
The MKKI UK Branch is headed by Sensei Fred Bateman (2nd Dan in MKKI Kobudo) with over 23 yrs experience in Okinawan Weapons. He is registered in the Kodokan Okinawa, Japan through the MKKI Honbu Dojo.
For more information please visit the UK website: www.matayoshikobudouk.com.