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UK » Newport » Newport Jitsu

Newport Jitsu

Newport Jitsu is a member of the Aiuchi Jiu Jitsu Association. Sessions encourage people to make the most of their physical and mental attributes because everyone has different characteristics and abilities.

Those familiar with Jiu Jitsu will know, there is always someone bigger, stronger, faster, fitter than us, but through regular practice each individual learns to make the most of their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

A practitioner of Jiu Jitsu will apply techniques using minimum strength to take advantage of their opponent's momentum. It is suitable for almost anyone to learn. Jiu Jitsu consists of a range of techniques which include: joint locks, throws, immobilizations and strikes to nerve points and vulnerable parts.

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Newport Jitsu location Map
Newport YMCA Conference Centre
Mendalgief Road
Newport, NP202HF
United Kingdom
Phone: na

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Newport Jitsu:

  • Jiu-Jitsu (Jujutsu/Jujitsu)

Programs & Class Schedule

Friday 18:00-20:00

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