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UK » Bromley » SE London School of Ju Jitsu

SE London School of Ju Jitsu

Established in 1987, the Chief instructor is 6th Dan, we encourage people of all ages and abilities, helping children grow in confidence, and have run women's self defence classes, previously, our adult classes are open to all and as a club everyone helps and supports one another, affiliated and insured by NAKMAS (governing body)

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SE London School of Ju Jitsu location Map
Bromley Pavilion Sports Centre
The Glades
Bromley, BR1 3EF
United Kingdom
Phone: 02084021514

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at SE London School of Ju Jitsu:

  • Ju Jitsu (traditional)

Programs & Class Schedule

Children age 6 minimum, older cildren/young teenagers can try both classes to see where they feel more comfortable

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