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UK » Winlaton » Seiken Ryu Karate Association

Seiken Ryu Karate Association

Established in 1975 Seiken Ryu Karate Association has many classes across the North East of England.

All of our instructors are qualified coaches and DBS cleared.

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Seiken Ryu Karate Association location Map
The Winlaton Centre
North St
Winlaton, NE21 6BY
United Kingdom
Phone: 07912533164

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Seiken Ryu Karate Association:

  • Shukokai Karate

Programs & Class Schedule

Classes at Winlaton are on Wednesdays at 5 pm

For details of other classes in the area go to or call 07912 533164

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