The Sekkyoku Combat Academy was born out of the Sekkyoku Tai Jutsu Federation a group of like-minded martial artists, who came together to creating a forward thinking and dynamic organization based on shared values, commitment, respect and friendship.
Sekkyoku Tai Jutsu is a street orientated style of Ju Jitsu with an emphasis on aggressive striking and effective self-protection techniques. Students of Sekkyoku Tai Jutsu are taught from an uncomplicated but effective syllabus which is based on a number of key principles and proven techniques.
MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world. Whether you are looking to just train or compete the Academy runs a full MMA program
The Sekkyoku combat academy offers gradings in Tai Jutsu and Kickboxing all grades are recognised and ratified by the C.M.A.A one of the largest Martial Arts groups in the U.K