Shaftesbury TaeKwon-Do club is dedicated to teaching under the guidelines of the ITF (International Tae-Kwon-Do Federation). We are members of the UK-ITF (formally Imperial TaeKwon-Do Association) all instructors have Enhanced CRB status and have completed First Aid training of which they are constantly assessed on.
Every technique taught in TKD is intended to be for self defence. By training physically and mentally, conditioning the body and understanding the "theory of power" TKD students can develop themselves and become effective weapons.
All TKD students swear an oath never to misuse the martial art, to respect others, to obey the tenets, to support freedom and justice and to build a more peaceful world.
TaeKwon-Do literally transtlates to "The art of hand and foot"
Tae- To kick or smash with the foot
Kwon- To break or destroy with the hand
Do- art
The art is made up of several aspects, to become a good TKD student, you must understand and perfect them:
Patterns - These are sets of predetermined techniques against an imaginary opponent, each move should be performed with as much accuracy and power as possible. Pattern practise becomes the backbone of TKD training, giving students the fundamental movements to develop.