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UK » St Albans » St Albans TaeKwonDo

St Albans TaeKwonDo

St Albans TaeKwon Do is one of the longest serving NON profit clubs established in 1994. We have now completed 22 years of success with many world, European and national champions produced. The club has two locations one in St Albans & one in London Colney.

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St Albans TaeKwonDo location Map
Samuel Ryder Academy,
Drakes Drive
St Albans, AL1 5AR
United Kingdom
Phone: 01727 827624

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at St Albans TaeKwonDo:

  • Tae Kwon Do

Programs & Class Schedule

Mondays and Thursdays 4.30 pm kids only under 10's (London Colney)
Mondays and Wednesdays 6.30 pm family classes 11+ (St Albans)

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