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UK » Marple » Systema Marple

Systema Marple

Systema is an effective Russian Martial Art and helps develop the ability to overcomes pride, ego, irritation, impatience, self-pity, anger and aggression and turn them into courage, humility and strength

Systema will give you the tools to help with potential stress situations, both physical and emotional

The skills learnt are not transitory, they will last a lifetime and the non-competitive setting helps develop friendship, helpfulness and the building of personal qualities

Systema Marple operates under the direction of Graham Harrison and Chris Wallace

Graham & Chris are 5th Dan & 4th Dan Aikido instructors respectively and BAB Coach recognised

We are both qualified Systema Instructors in Training through Vladimir Vasiliev of Systema HQ in Toronto and operate under the direction of Instructor Matt Hill of Wiltshire Martial Arts

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Systema Marple location Map
Marple - various locations
Marple Area
Marple, SK6 7ER
United Kingdom
Phone: 07770 430861

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Systema Marple:

  • Systema

Programs & Class Schedule

Weekly Classes
Weekly on Thursday evenings (Commencing 19th Jan 2017)
Fitness & Health 7.30 – 8.25 pm
Combat 8.30 – 9.30 pm

Location - Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple SK6 7AY

Special Monthly Classes
See dates below (These dates may occasionally change so please e-mail to confirm, if not on Club circulation list)
Systema classes Sunday 10.00 am -1.00 pm

Duration 3 hrs (Split into three 1hr Sessions)
• Fitness & Wellbeing
• Systema (Basic)
• Systema (Progression)

22nd Jan, 12th Feb, 26th Mar, 23rd Apr, 14th May, 11th Jun, 9th Jul, 27th Aug, 24th Sep, 22nd Oct, 12th Nov, 10th Dec

You are welcome to train for any of the sessions e.g. 1, 2 or the full 3 hrs
Please aim to arrive 10 min before your session

Location - Hawk Green Reading Rooms, Upper Hibbert Lane, Marple SK6 7HQ

Training Fees
4 – week New Starter Period
Comprising: -
• 1st Taster session for which there is no fee, other than £2.00 for 4-weeks temporary insurance cover
• The following 3-weeks you will pay the following fees per session
1 hr £4
2 hrs £6
3 hrs £8
• After the 4-week New Starter period we hope that you will join Systema Marple
Membership/Training Fee £25/month, which includes annual insurance
This covers your training at the weekly sessions and also the monthly specials

Session training fees, as above
Annual Membership Fee (incl Insurance), for occasional visitors is £10/y

Have a Question?

Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at Systema Marple? Please contact the school with your questions.

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