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UK » Twyford » Tai Chi for Well-Being

Tai Chi for Well-Being

Yang Style Tai Chi & Qi gong taught in a friendly atmosphere.

Tricia, the instructor, has been doing Tai Chi Chuan for twenty years.

As well as training here in England she has trained in China.

Harmonize your mind, body and spirit.

Improve your balance, gain energy, relieve stress.

Improve your co-ordination and gain strength.

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Tai Chi for Well-Being location Map
Twyford Scout HQ
Lodon Hall Road
Twyford, RG10 9JA
United Kingdom
Phone: 07870912084

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Tai Chi for Well-Being:

  • Tai chi

Programs & Class Schedule

Twyford Class :Monday 9.30-10.30 and Friday 10-11 am Free Parking Adults only.
No contract required.
Twyford Scout HQ, Loddon Hall Road, Twyford RG10 9JA

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