'Zheng Dao Lo' translates to 'The Way of the True Path', and it is this philosophy that has driven the school since its founding in 1997. We believe the True Path to embody more than just martial skills; we aspire to the values of honour, courage, integrity, respect, humility and tolerance. In days gone by, these traits went hand in hand with the learning of martial arts. Sadly, in today's society, these values are diminishing. We aim to preserve and uphold them through the disciplined practice of ancient martial skills. Through the honing of these qualities along with the perfection of physical movement and interaction, one can travel the path to greatness.
The Zheng Dao Lo Academy aims to promote Chinese Martial Arts to people of all ages and conditions, and offers classes in Kung Fu, Chinese Kickboxing, and Tai Chi. Our goal is to help you find the best way to improve yourself, whether your goal is fitness, flexibility, self defense or confidence.
For more information see our website at ZhengDaoLo.com