Wing Chun Kung Fu is a self defence martial art suitable for anyone regardless of age, gender or weight.
The principles of Wing Chun Kung Fu form a self defence system that allows one to adapt immediately to the size, strength and fighting style of an attacker.
Our Wing Chun Kung Fu system is broken down into six core subjects that will allow you to develop a complete overview of the martial art in a clear and structured way.
Through form training, free fighting, footwork training and a great deal of punching our students learn to be relaxed in a fight, to move dynamically, to (counter intuitively) punch without tension and, through strength training specific to Wing Chun Kung Fu, to increase punching and striking power.
In addition to this we practice hours of Chi Sao, or sticking hands, to be able to yield to and exploit the attackers strength.
Wing Chun Kung Fu Twickenham provides a place for you to develop your body and mind whilst instilling moral values like integrity, respect and perseverance.
Whatever your reasons for considering Wing Chun Kung Fu for yourself, you'll find we have a variety of programs to meet your needs.
For more information or to book your complimentary Wing Chun Kung Fu class now visit us at