Shinsenkai karate jutsu is a newly developed but old school based style of karate derived from kyokushin karate, judo, aikido and muay thai. It is an easy to learn, tough and effective art for self defence. We are not a ‘McDojo’ kind of club. Scoring points and winning trophies is not our way. Our aim is to teach proper self defence skills, keep you fit, strong and focused but most of all, safe on the streets. You will have the realistic ability to protect yourself if you encounter an attack or mugging in today’s violent society.
Karate training is excellent for both kids and adults or even for whole families to do something together. It can also help with weight control and be a great cross-training activity for other sports, such as mixed martial arts.
Fully approved & vetted 5th dan instructor with over 28 years of karate training & experience, qualified sports therapist and fitness instructor.