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UK » Nottingham » East Leake Shotokan

East Leake Shotokan

These Shotokan Karate Classes have been run in this area for over forty years by highly ranked and respected Masters. The classes cater for students with no experience as well as those whom have already achieved black belt or higher. You will be made to feel very comfortable and the learning experience will begin with your first class. Your goals will be achieved wtih the assistance of your highly qualified instruction staff. If we are not for you then good luck in your search.

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East Leake Shotokan location Map
83, Southchurch Court
Nottingham, Ng118HR
United Kingdom
Phone: 07771898997

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at East Leake Shotokan:

  • Shotokan Karate

Programs & Class Schedule

Three Age Groups

4-7 years
7-11 years
12 years and older

Classes on Wednesday evenings

Contact details will be taken on arrival
All other Class details will be given on first lesson
all students will be given two weeks of classes free no obligation

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